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Broadened Horizons

Well, here we go again. Another shot. Varied topics. Same blog name. After some inspiration, I decided that limiting my topics to workouts and eating just weren't cutting it, and it was crystal clear. Not only was no one reading, but I was bored with posting. It's not a good sign when the blogger isn't interested in blogging. So I decided my life, in general was far more interesting, to me, than any one thing in particular I'm doing.

I'm a passionate person, and that passion often has me scattered amongst many goals and ambitions bring several things up to an acceptable level instead of focusing on item and bringing it to a superb level. I'm a starter; I'm rarely a finisher. My husband, however, is a finisher (and sometimes a starter), and this difference can be noted in our cleaning styles. My husband goes through, room by room, finishing each one before moving onto the next. I, on the otherhand, will start on one project in one room, run across something that goes in another room, go into the other room to take care of that one object, find another project, sort and clean until I find an object that goes in another room, and the process repeats, leaving a tornado trail through various rooms in the house.

In my many adventures, I dabble in things ranging from raw vegan desserts, to cloth diapering, line drying (in the summer), learning to sew, playing a variety of instruments (guitar, piano, drums....but none of them extremely well), and the list goes on....seemingly endless, as I can always find something new to try. Hopefully, that will make my blogging more interesting than it has been ("oh look, she worked out....again").

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